Electric 6-port actuators from JAFA Engineering
A great solution to a simple problem of a complex Factory Mazda system.
JAFA Engineering has invented these electric 6-port actuators to rotate the 5th and 6th port sleeves. With simple Servo motors. Throughout my research of this system, I've read some people saying these 5/6 port actuators don't do much. They aren't needed, “just hog wire them open all the time and run it.” While others say they are necessary for proper performance.
I'm here to say that they do make a huge difference in top end power when they are open! Also from re-tuning my fuel map I could clearly see how much more air was being let into the engine when these sleeves opened the 5 ports.
To build a foundation for you here,
- RX7s that used this style of intake system were 1984-1985 Mazda 13b GSL-SE and 1986-1991 Mazda 13b FC RX7
- The sleeves are turned by vacuum diaphragms. They receive their vacuum from the Factory air pump.
- A network of vacuum lines and solenoids control these diaphragms when they should rotate these sleeves.
- If everything is in good condition, complete and operating this system works great and optimizes the power band of the rotary engine.
This technology is needed in most street car applications
Because under normal operating conditions the rotary engine isn't near redline most of the time. Peak power and torque is made between 5000-7000 RPM. The Rotary engine power curve is like an exponential curve. Compared to a piston engine that's more like a linear curve. So Mazda engineered these extra ports to open at higher RPM to allow for low end power and high end power on naturally aspirated engines. Since these cars are getting older the original systems are breaking down. Causing poor performance. Restore it or modify it.
Simple Solution
JAFA engineering I believe has the best solution to this with these electric 6-port actuators that can operate the 5/6 ports. No fabrication needed. They bolt right in the place of the old Vacuum diaphragm. It has its own computer controller to tell the servo motors to turn at a specific RPM. The wiring needed is a +Power, -Ground, and a Tachometer signal. The tach signal comes from the Crank Angle Positioning Sensor (CAPS).
Its very important to make sure the actuator rods spin freely and easily. If these are being installed on a good running engine sometimes the 5th and 6th port sleeves get junked up. Cause by old gas and carbon and become sticky. When this happens its best to remove the Lower Intake Manifold to clean these thoroughly.
More information available at https://jafaengineering.wordpress.com/ and this product can be ordered from there as well.
His Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/jafaengineering
My Experience
These were super easy to install a plug and play kit for sure. At a price of $150 at the time of writing this its a deal for the quality of parts and ease of install. Your experience may differ from mine because my 6 Port engine is in a B-series Pickup and not an RX7. Though I approve of this parts and JAFA Engineering's Products